Saturday, April 28, 2012

should I go on a student exchange? Italy? USA? or France?

should I go on a student exchange? Italy? USA? or France?
Im really wanting to go on a student exchange. Im a bit cautious though because what happens if the host family is really mean? really poor? or I don't get along with them? Also, Im wanting to go to either Italy, USA, or France. Which one should I go to? I want to go to italy because its the fashion capital of the world and I love the language. But then I want to go to USA because I love how they have cheer-leading and football teams, prom and cafeterias and its familiar to what i'm used to. but then theres France, which would be amazing as the food is amazing and the scenery is incredible. help! which one should i go to?
Other - France - 7 Answers
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1 :
I was an exchange student as a Junior in High School and would do it again if I could. It was nearly 20 years ago and I went to Bolivia from the USA for 5 months. I think that if you can do it you should. I did not pick the country it picked me. So if you have a choice Pick the one that you would regret to not have gone to. Have a great time and travel while you are there.
2 :
May I venture to suggest France? Ths is from far the nicest conutry in the world.... People are lovely, landscapes are often breathtaking,, not to mention the food 'amazing!) and the social system !! If I were In your shoes, I wouldn't hezitzte one second !!
3 :
Forget the USA, and toss a coin for Italy or France.
4 :
Italy should be your first choice , then France.. both beautiful countries...USA would by my very last choice .
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6 :
lalala it's not just personal preference if ur going w/ a exchange program such as yfu or afs then there r different requirements &brief introductions on each country. I wanted to go to France, for example, but it is required dat you speak french, or else attending a French school would be completely pointless, and you'll fail all your classes. My top choice would be France , but I have to warn you that from peronal experience french schools are extremely hard and difficult. It might not seem appealing for you at the moment, but definitely try other, more laid back, european countries. such as iceland, sweden etc. great places!! You most certainly don't have to go to one of the "Main" countries in europe, besides everyone(in iceland/sweden/holland)speaks english, so communication would not be difficult. Very little homework, so it would be a fun trip ^^ i mean im sure u wouldn't want to work your ass off, when being an exchange student is supposed to be something fun, not stressful :P hope dis helped ^^
7 :
I'm from the USA on an exchange in France this year. I gotta say, the USA really sucks compared to this country, but I've never been to Italy so I can't help you there. You should choose the country in which you know the language the most. That will really help.

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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Would you rather be a foreign exchange student to Italy or Japan? Why?

Would you rather be a foreign exchange student to Italy or Japan? Why?
I've been thinking a lot about being a foreign exchange student but I can't decide where I want to go. Either Italy or Japan. I Italy because it's really pretty, they have good food, their boys are cute, they have a lot of culture, and the language would be easier to learn. I like Japan because I can get a full paid scholarship, there's not a big crime rate, they care about education, and they also have an interesting culture. I still can't decide which one I like more. Also, if anyone has any other information on Italy or Japan (school, family life, culture, ect.) please tell me. And I am open to all opinions so anyone can answer.
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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Italy cause JApan is over crowded and packed which would be difficult for me
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i would personaly chose italy becuz i can speak part italian and the food there is delish and the pretty buildings. but thats just me. japan would be to ultamodern for me and too crowded. but then again i would choose japan cuz of the scholarship thing. but w/e u decide to chose.
3 :
Absolutely Japan! You kidding!! why would you think of Italy If you'll have a full paid scholarship!! Though the language is hard to learn. But there are trillions of other advantages! Japanese culture is 180 degrees different from other cultures. it's unique. you might find alot of similarities between your culture and the Italian's whereas the Japanese will be a completely different and exciting experience. I would choose Japan!!
4 :
I was an exchange student to Switzerland. Italy was my first choice. I had the opportunity to visit Italy however. Personally, I'd pick Italy. Culture shock is already a factor in exchange--and well--how much do you want? The language is a big deal during exchange as well. At the beginning my French was bad, by December I was dreaming and thinking in French, by July when I left, I was fluent. Italian is a lot easier than Japanese. You'll probably be fluent in Italian but I'm not sure about Japanese after your year is over. But it's really up to you! The scholarship is a big help!! I hope you go somewhere cause it's a great experience! Sometimes a difficult one--but a rewarding one!

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

I want to be a Foreign Exchange student next year and I cant decided between Spain or Italy.So Spain or Italy?

I want to be a Foreign Exchange student next year and I cant decided between Spain or Italy.So Spain or Italy?
I have taken two years of Spanish so it would be easier to learn the language faster, but Italian would be cool to know too.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
Hah, I asked the same question as you, only it involved France and Germany. Wait--you answered it. So I'll answer yours. I think Italy maybe, I've been there and it's absolutely gorgeous, everyone there is really nice. I don't know what Spain is like, I've never been, but I'd go for Italy.
2 :
Go Italy. That way you know fluent Italian, and still some Spanish. Haha, i'm just about to ask the same question, Switzerland or Norway
3 :
Good luck with whichever country you decide to go for . If you DO decide on Spain, please find a few links here that you may find useful .....

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

how can u become a foreign exchange student in europe like Greece,italy and england and so on?

how can u become a foreign exchange student in europe like Greece,italy and england and so on?
i really want to become one. and i want to know the requirements. are there any foreign excahnge students here? please share your experience... and what are the benefits for college and the military?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
I was an exhange student for a semester in Italy. I contacted the International Studies department and Italian dept at my university and they told me what the requirements were and how to go about it. I did it in my last semester of my Junior year in college.

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