Monday, October 28, 2013

Is 1200 USD too much for a student traveling in italy?ASAP.HElp!!?

Is 1200 USD too much for a student traveling in italy?ASAP.HElp!!?
Hotel, tours, breakfast and dinner is paid for. I have to pay for lunch,soveniers, and shopping. Spwnding Money, Not the price of the trip!!
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That's actually really cheap. I went to Italy over spring break in 2008 and it was almost 3000 and it included hotel, tour, breakfast, dinner, tips, and airfare.
2 :
It's impossible to say without knowing how long you're going to be here and what kinds of souvenirs you'll buy. It would be easy to spend a lot more than that on one item in the fashion district in Milan for example. Generally, you can count on about 10 to 15 euro for lucnch although you could go even cheaper than that with panini or pizza by the slice. I was in Ferrara for the Palio yesterday and had a very good bigolata tartufato, tea, and coffee for 12 euro and that included an aperatif, bread, and some cookies. You could also very easily end up spending $100 for a branzino (sea bass) in Venice if you're not careful. You can use an ATM card here to withdraw money, so you could bring less cash and use the ATM if you need more. Too much isn't really a problem - you just don't spend what you don't need. People have more of a problem with too little cash. An ATM is called a bancomat here - they're widely available and most are on the major international circuits.

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