Has anybody been on the People to People Student Ambassador program going to France, Italy, and Malta?
I've been invited and would love to know some of your favorite things. What hotels did you stay at? Was the food amazing, or not?
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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I've been on 2 people to people trips; england, ireland, and wales in 2005 and austria, switzerland, italy, france, and germany 2007. Some of the hotels were cool and others wre just average hotels. The food in France was ok. the food in Italy was amazing. I loved everything about Italy, especially Venice. I loved the gondola ride, the colleseum, the leaning tower of pisa, "gladiator school", the effiel tower, the lovre, versailles, playing soccer with the french kids, EVRYTHING. If you ahve the chance, go on the trip. You won't regret it.
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