How much should a student bring on a 11 day trip to France and Italy?
The trip is already paid for hotel, breakfast and dinner (NOT LUNCH)...So how much money should i bring all together in euros if i need to pay for lunch and other things i want to buy (like gifts)?
Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
generally speaking it is good to have avail 100 dollars per day for your budget as a minimum. likely, depending on if you are a shopaholic or not, you will not spend this much. however, it is good to have it incase you find that certain something. and or if other things come up. I know I have been to: England France Luxumburg Germany Austria Belgum Japan Okinawa Mexico Hawaii (part of the us but still IT'S HAWAII) I have been 3/4 the way around the world and i'll tell you sometimes you find things you JUST CANT GET anywhere else. I've also been in the unfortunate position of not having enough for what i wanted and or what i needed. it can put a REAL damper on your trip. best bet is do the math for what you think you will NEED + what you think you will WANT then double it. 2(NEED + WANT)= minimum you should bring. for your trip i'd say 3-4k would be just about right if you can swing it. borrow money that you can pay back later if you have to it will be worth it. trust me. than if you find you didn't need as much as yo thought after all. then you have an advance on paying off the people you borrowed from. just a note france kind of sucks it's pretty and all but...not worth it. Japan on the other hand. THAT'S a trip if you ever get the chance go to Kyoto.
2 :
BRING AN ATM CARD!!!!!!!!!! Bringing dollars with you to Europe just increasing the chance of them getting stolen and of you getting jipped on the exchange rate (I just lived there for 4 months... the rate sucks.) Keep your card somewhere safe, get out like 80 euros (around $100) the first day and then just see how much you spend. I'm not saying carry the card on you at all times, but having it is a much better choice.
3 :
I assume that you are a high school student going on a class trip. If it IS a school trip, you'll be having meetings that will answer all of your questions. The teachers have done this before and know what is best to bring. In my opinion, "Jolly Roger" is way off base; 3-4K is way too much cash for anyone to be carrying, especially since tourists are targets for pick-pockets in all major European cities.
4 :
You can get lunch on the run in Italy for less than 5 Euros a day assuming you eat at a bar or place that offers panini (sandwiches) or pizza. Don't forget that you may get the munchies between lunch and dinner. Budget another 5-10 Euros for gelato or some other small snack. Assuming you don't plan on buying souveniers everyday, have 50 Euros on you to cover expenses outside of food. You do the math based on what you can afford.
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