Monday, April 1, 2013

student looking for rentals in nyc. Im looking for rentals primarily located in little italy, ny. or any where

student looking for rentals in nyc. Im looking for rentals primarily located in little italy, ny. or any where
in manhattan besides above east 93 and west 116. is there any websites that rentals are by owner. i dont want to pay brokers fee. also is there anything out there that can help me pay for my apartment. im a student at school plus i have my parents helpping me out. do you know any websites that will help me out? thank you????
New York City - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i don't know about any websites but you can check out the newspaper ads from NYC. usually the owners put their own ads for renting. but i am telling you, anywhere in nyc would be very costly to rent. make sure you have your financial backup planned. happy summer.
2 :
you need to be a little more realistic. rents, even for a roommate situation, are very high in Manhattan; especially in the area you want to live. why don't you consider an outer borough like Brooklyn, queens or the Bronx? they are close to the city and more affordable to you. good luck.
3 :
My friend, for get Little Italy. Better yet, forget the whole of Manhattan, becuase, unless you're a lawyer and a pocket full of cash to rent an apartment in Manhattan, then you're out of luck. Manhattan apartments are expensive. My advice, consider living in the outer borough, you'll get a better deal outside of Manhattan and still have a good commute into and out of Manhattan. But, what ever you do, don rent an apartment in Manhattan. Good luck Native New York
4 :
Look at Murray Hill or Alphabet City, the East 80's east of 2nd avenue, or the West 70's or 80's west of Amsterdam. If you aren't willing to pay a brokers fee try Craigslist, but you really take your chances. Citi-Habitats is a good broker for decent, reasonably priced apartments. There is nothing that will "help you pay for your apartment", and there are practically no apartments in Little Italy, which is a tiny area for tourists that mostly just consists of restaurants and souvenir shops and is not a real living Italian community. There is "NoLiTa", which is short for "NOrth of Little ITAly", if that's what you meant, but that is a trendy and expensive area.

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