Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How can I travel in Italy while on a budget?

How can I travel in Italy while on a budget?
I am planning to backpack in Italy this coming summer. Since I'm a college student, my budget is limited, but I'd still like to experience everything that the country has to offer. I'm looking for good food and a lot of nature. What places should I plan to go to, and how can I go to as many as possible for as cheap as possible without compromising safety?
Other - Europe - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well I hope your budget isn't very limited because Italy is VERY EXPENSIVE and overpriced so I hope you won't get disappointed. You can get a eurorail ticket to move around and also I know a website where you can contact people that offer their homes to host you for a few days for free, so you may wanna check it out and contact someone, that could help since hotels and hostels are really expensive in Italy, the website is I would recommend you go to Rome, Florence, Perugia, and if you REALLY want to go to Venice but don't be disappointed as the city is smelly, dirty and extremely expensive. When I travel I always take a look at, it is a great travel guide. HAVE FUN!
2 :
Frommer's website just published an article with 50 tips on how to visit Italy with $70 a day. Worth reading...

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