I need a student visa to Italy by next summer by where do i start?
Ok im Canadian an i don't know where to start. i went to this web site but its too confusing http://www.abroadeducation.com.np/study-in/italy/student-visa-process.html
Immigration - 3 Answers
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2 :
Contact your nearest Italian Consulate, http://www.expatsinitaly.com/before/consulates_canada.html
3 :
First you need to contact Italian Consulate or Embassy http://www.ambottawa.esteri.it/ambasciata_ottawa http://www.consvancouver.esteri.it/Consolato_Vancouver and ask for a student visa. You need to declare you have sufficient money to stay in Italy for al the period of your studies, that you have a place (house or room) where to stay in Italy, the ticket for coming back in your country or the money to buy it and so on. You have to take with you passport, photos, a document of the school that declare you came in Italy for study, anyway at Embassy they'll explain it better than me (and in a good English... sorry for my poor English)